Easter II

Date: 2024-04-0709:30 am
Preaching:Father Michael LaRue


Old Testament: Acts 4:32-35Reader: Judy Williams
Psalm: 133 
New Testament: 1 John 1:1-2:2Reader: Fred Williams
Intercessions: Form IV (BCP 388)Intercessor: Miriam Anderson
Gospel: John 20:19-31Deacon/Sub-deacon: To be assigned
Eucharistic Prayer: DChalice: Bruce McMenomy
Lord's Prayer: TraditionalCelebrant/Officiant: Fr. Michael LaRue
Liturgical Color: WhiteAltar Guild: Jackie McCarthy, Marie Matthews


Accompanist: Miriam Anderson
Processional: H 179 Welcome happy morning (vs 1, 5 & 6)
Song of Praise: H 180 He is risen
Gradual: H 209 We walk by faith, and not by sight
Offertory: A Musical Offering
Communion Anthem: A Musical Offering
Sanctus: S 129
Recessional: H 207 Jesus Christ is risen today


Greeters: To be assigned
Flowers: To be assigned
Coffee: To be assigned