Palm Sunday - Passion Sunday

Date: 2024-03-2409:30 am
Preaching:Canon Arienne Davison


Old Testament: Isaiah 50:4-9aReader: Miriam Anderson
Psalm: 31:9-16 
New Testament: Philippians 2:5-11Reader: Judy Williams
Intercessions: Rite IIntercessor: Fred Williams
Gospel: Mark 14:1-15:47 or Luke 19:28-39????Deacon/Sub-deacon: To be assigned
Eucharistic Prayer: Rite IChalice: Scott Blume
Lord's Prayer: TraditionalCelebrant/Officiant: Fr. Michael LaRue
Liturgical Color: RedAltar Guild: Jackie McCarthy, Marie Matthews


Accompanist: Miriam Anderson
Processional: H154 All glory, laud, and honor
Song of Praise: H 480 When Jesus left His Father’s throne
Gradual: H 156 Ride on! Ride on in majesty (vs1, 2 &4)
Offertory: Ave Verum
Communion Anthem: O sacred head, sore wounded - David Hurd
Sanctus: S 125
Recessional: H 480 When Jesus left his Father’s throne


Greeters: To be assigned
Flowers: To be assigned
Coffee: To be assigned