Pentecost XXIV Propers 28

Date: 2017-11-1909:30 am
Preaching:Father Stephen Moore


Old Testament: Judges 4:1-7Reader: Jane Grabinski
Psalm: 123 
New Testament: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11Reader: Aaron Morello
Intercessions: Form VI BCP 392-3Intercessor: Judy Williams
Gospel: Matthew 25:14-30Deacon/Sub-deacon: Deacon Kenneth Grabinski
Eucharistic Prayer: AChalice: Fred Williams
Lord's Prayer: TraditionalCelebrant/Officiant: To be assigned
Liturgical Color: GreenAltar Guild: Jane Grabinski, Jackie McCarthy, Georgeanne Andreasen, Marie Matthews


Accompanist: Miriam Anderson
Processional: H 536 Open your ears, O faithful people
Song of Praise: SOP: H 400 All creatures of our God and King (vs. 1 7)
Gradual: H 655 O Jesus I have promised
Offertory: Not here for high and holy things we render thanks to Thee
Communion Anthem: With awe approach the mysteries
Sanctus: S 124
Recessional: H 632 O Christ, the Word Incarnate


Greeters: Marie Matthews
Flowers: To be assigned
Coffee: To be assigned